It’s all about profit



Information, insights
expertise, execution

Solid profitability is not built on…information that is not accurate and actionable, insights that are based on a narrow or biased perspective, expertise that is not diverse, execution that is not fully streamlined and completely aligned with strategy.

At Business Insights we start from getting the right information which is meaningful and actionable to bring new insights to your business, utilising our expertise across different sectors and different methodologies. We aim to work with you to develop and execute strategies and plans to achieve the right outcomes.

We are a team of experts with international experience of both industry leadership and management consulting methodologies, partnering with like minded companies that offer complimentary services such as RIM Think Acute, Polaris, Ebit and Growth Runner.

We are HRDA approved trainers and EBRD qualified consultants in the areas of our expertise, providing our clients great value for money while maintaining the highest standards of delivery

Our Expertise

Our service areas

Strategy, Outcomes & Measurements

Customer Experience

Sales & Market

Organisational Development

Operational Excellence

Cultural Transformation

About Us

…With a customer centricity focus to create a
competitive advantage

Our latest insights

Get in touch

Vasilis Yacoubian

Dinos Ioannides

Stefanos Marcou
Associate Partner

We work with the client teams, understanding issues sharing analysis and jointly developing solutions